Tuesday, September 08, 2015

Politically Right Musings

Politics is complex and mostly dirty. With the upcoming General Elections nearing, it is hardly surprising that our FaceBook feeds are flooded with updates from this party and that party. And a whole lot of fluff and barf about glorifying Singapore's past successes, thrashing and making sarcastic remarks redundantly. Shouldn't everyone be more concerned about what's going to happen in the future instead of rambling about the past?

Truth be told, I've always been apolitical. I've always been the one who avoided essays on politics at all cost back in school. The fact that I'm even musing about Singapore's politics now says something, really.

Nobody says it's easy to run a country and even though we cannot deny that we have loads more than we used to, the negative effects of certain policies have started to peek through and haunt us normal peasants. Things like rising costs, depressed wages, stolen jobs, the gaping hole in income gap, faltering public infrastructure, shitty interest rates and the ridiculous minimum sum associated with CPF... the list just goes on and on?

I don't know about you but the more I read and discover, the more disgusted I feel about this whole thing. What's the point of constantly emphasising on democracy when the way the ruling party deals with opposition can be so demeaning and lacklustre? It certainly doesn't help when these incredibly well paid beings are seemingly very out of touch with the lives of the average Singaporeans.

I am for the idea that our Parliament should be more diverse with a strong, united opposition team. Opposition exists to ensure that genuine scrutiny prevails when circumstances call for it, that voices of the oppressed can be heard, that meaningful debates about bills and policies concerning the country and her citizens are carried out etc etc.

That said, I know very well which party ain't getting my one measly vote for sure, 100& guarantee + chop + double confirm.


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